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Ka taea ngā tamariki te haere ki te kura.
The children are able to go to school.Ka taea koe te tākaro i te kita?
Are you able to play the guitar?Ka taea koe te kai i ngā āporo?
Are you able to eat the apples?Ka taea a Hemi te whakahaere i te hui.
Hemi is able to run the meeting.Ka taea koe te mātakitaki i te kiriata.
You are able to watch the movie.Ka taea ngā tāngata te haere mā runga pahi.
The people are able to travel by bus.Ka taea te kaiako te whakarongo ki ngā tauira.
The teacher is able to listen to the students.Ka taea rāua te mahi tahi.
They (two) are able to work together.Ka taea rāua te haere ki te kura?
Are they (two) able to go to school?Ka taea te kuri te oma i te papa tākaro.
The dog is able to run in the playground.Ka taea mātou te hīkoi ki te tāone.
We (excluding you) are able to walk to town.Ka taea ia te whakaako i ngā tamariki?
Is he/she able to teach the children?Ka taea mātou te hīkoi ki te tāone?
Are we (excluding you) able to walk to the town?Ka taea ahau te tākaro i te kita.
I am able to play the guitar.Ka taea ahau te tuhituhi i tēnei reta.
I am able to write this letter.Ka taea e Hina te whakatangi te piana.
Hina can play the piano.Ka taea e koe te kai te tunu?
Are you able to cook dinner?Ka taea e koe au te āwhina mai?
Are you able to help me?Ka taea e Hūhana mā ngā hoiho te tiki?
Can Hūhana and co fetch the horses?Ka taea e koe te kanikani?
Can you dance?Ka taea e koe, mahia atu!
You can do it, give it a go!Ka tareka e au te kōrero ki a koe?
Can I speak to you?Ka taea e koe te kōrero Māori?
Can you speak Māori?Ka taea au te whakaoho e koe ā te whitu karaka?
Are you able to wake me at 7 o'clock?Kāre e taea a au te haere ki te mahi āpōpō.
I can't go to work tomorrow.Ka taea e koe te kauhoe?
Can you swim?Ka taea e koe te horoi i te motokā?
Are you able to wash the car?Ka taea e koe te haramai ki te mārena?
Can you come to the wedding?Ka taea e au tēnā mahi.
I can do that job.Ka taea e koe te tunu keke?
Can you bake cakes?Ka taea e Hamiora ōna hū te here?
Can Hamiora tie his shoes?Ka taea e Tama te rakuraku te whakatangi.
Tama can play the guitar.Kāore e taea e au te haramai ki te mārena.
It is not possible for me to come to the wedding.I taea e Koa te kai te tunu.
Koa was able to cook food.Ka taea e koe te haere ki te hui?
Are you able to come to the meeting?Ka taea e Hine te waiata.
Hine can sing.Āe, ka taea e au tō waka tde whakatika.
Yes, I am able to fix your car.Ka taea e Pāora te pātai te whakautu.
Pāora is able to answer the question.Ka taea e koe āku pukapuka te whakahoki ki te whare pukapuka?
Are you able to return my books to the library?Ka taea e koe te tuitui kakahu?
Can you sew clothing?E mōhio ana ahau, e taea e ia te whakamārama i te whakatauki nei.
I know that she will be able to explain this saying.Kāo, kāore e taea e au te whakautu i tō pātai.
No, I can't answer your question.Me taea e koe!
You should be able to!Ka taea e koe ngā pukapuka te whakahoki ki te whare pukapuka.
You are able to return the books to the library.Ka taea e koe te hari i a au ki te tāone?
Are you able to take me to town?Ka taea e koe te ruku kaimoana?
Can you dive for seafood?Ka taea e koe te whakatangitangi piana?
Can you play piano?Ka taea e koe te mahi toi?
Can you do art?Āe, ka taea e au te kōrero Māori.
Yes, I can speak Māori.Ka taea e koe te rakuraku te whakatangi?
Can you play guitar?Ka taea e ngā tamariki ngā rīhi te horoi?
Are the children capable of washing the dishes?Ka taea e koe te whakautu i taku pātai?
Can you answer my question?Ka taea e koe te whakaheke ngaru?
Can you surf?Ka taea ekoe tōku waka te whakatika?
Are you able to fix my car?Ka taea e koe ngā tamariki te tiki?
Can you pick up the kids?I taea e Rāwiri te hāngī te tunu.
Rāwiri was able to cook the hāngī.