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Haria ngā kākahu ki waho kia whitia ai e te rā.
Take the clothes outside so that they can be shone on by the sun.I hīkoi au ki te marae kia kōrero te iwi mō te kaupapa.
I went to the marae so the iwi can discuss the initiative.E hoki ki tōu maunga kia pūrea ai koe e ngā hau a Tāwhirimātea.
Return to your mountain so that you may be refreshed by the winds of Tāwhirimātea.Ka whakairia te tapu kia wātea ai te ara.
Restrictions are moved aside so that the pathway is clear.I haere mātou ki Te Whanaganui a Tara kia mātakitaki ngā tamariki i te kēmu.
We went to Wellington so that the children can watch the game.Kia wātea, kia māmā, te ngākau, te tinana, te wairua i te ara takatā.
To clear, to free the heart, the body and the spirit of humanity.Kia tino tere haere ai.
So that it should go very quickly.Kei te hīkoi te kura ki te awa kia kaukau ngā tamariki.
The school is walking to the river so the kids can swim.I haere te whānau ki te pāka kia tākaro ngā tamariki.
The family went to the park so the kids could play.Kia moata te haere ki te moe a tēnei pō, kia mauria ai kōrua ki te ngahere a te ata.
Go to bed early tonight, so that you can be taken to the forest in the toi te kupu, toi te mana, toi te aroha, toi te Reo Māori,
so that our words, spiritual power, love, and language are upheld,