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Āhea a Aria mā haere mai ai?
When are Aria and the others coming?Ā tērā wiki rātou hoki mai ai.
They come back next week.Hei te whare kē noa atu au noho mai ai.
I will stay at another house far away from yours.I nahea koe i tae mai ai?
When did you arrive?I nahea a Hera i tae mai ai?
When did Hera arrive?I nanahi a Pita i tae mai ai.
Pita arrived yesterday.Mā hea koe haere mai ai?
How did you get here?Āwhea koe peka mai ai?
When will you pop in?Inahea koe i tae mai ai?
When did you arrive?I napō au i tae mai ai.
I arrived last night.Nā te makariri rāua i hoki mai ai.
They came back because of the cold.Nō whea hoki ia e tae mai ai?
There's no way he will get here?Nō te Rātapu te karere i tae mai ai.
It was on Sunday that the news arrived.Ā hea te kura rere atu ai ki Āmerika?
When is the school flying to America?He aha koe i hoki mai ai i te 11?
Why did you come back at 11?Hei tērā Mane rātou tae mai ai, arā, hei te 2 o Pēpuere.
They arrive next Monday, that is, on the 2nd of February.Koirā i tae tūreiti mai ai.
That's why he arrived late.Ā te whā o Ōketopa a Mia mā haere mai ai.
Mia and the others are coming on the 4th of October.Nō nahea koe i hoki mai ai?
When did you get back in?Nōnahea koe i hoki mai ai?
When did you return?