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Kaua e whakatikahia te tēpu mō te kai.
Don't set the table for the meal.Kaua tō reta e tukua ki te nūpepra!
Don't send your letter to the newspaper!Kaua e hoatu te huka ki roto i te kāpata.
Don't put the sugar into the cupboard.Kaua rātou e āwhinatia!
Don't help them!Kaua e tīkina ngā taputapu i te rūma ki te hanga i te whare.
Don't fetch the tools from the room to build the house.Kaua e āwhinatia te ngeru kia piki ki runga i te tūru.
Don't help the cat climb onto the chair.Kaua e whakatikahia ngā mahi i te whare mō te hui.
Don't prepare the work at the house for the meeting.Kaua e whakahokia ngā rīhi ki te kāpata i muri i te kai.
Don't return the dishes to the cupboard after the meal.Kaua e hoatu ngā pukapuka ki runga i te papa pukapuka.
Don't put the books on the bookshelf.Kaua e waihotia ngā kai ki runga i te tēpu mō te rā whānau.
Don't leave the food on the table for the birthday.Kaua e whakapaingia te whare i mua i te taenga mai o ngā manuhiri.
Don't clean the house before the guests arrive.Kaua e waiho ngā kī.
Don't leave the keys.Kaua e waiho ō hū ki te kūaha.
Don't leave your shoes at the door.Kaua e kātia te kuaha kia kaua e uru mai te hau.
Don't close the door to prevent the wind from coming in.Kaua a Mia e kohetetia!
Don't tell Mia off!Kaua e titiro ki te waka.
Don't look at the car.Kaua ngā kurī e herea i waho!
Don't tie the dogs up outside.Kaua e whakairihia ngā kākahu ki runga i te rākau.
Don't hang the clothes on the line.Kaua e tīkina te waka ki te marae.
Don't fetch the car from the marae.Kaua aua pukapuka a mauria atu!
Don't take those books away!Kaua e whakahokia ngā tūru kākāriki.
You shouldn't return the green chairs.Kaua e whakarerea ngā tūru ki roto i te rūma hui.
Don't leave the chairs in the meeting room.Kaua e tīkina atu te pukapuka mai i te tēpu.
Don't fetch the book from the table.Kaua e haria ngā tamariki ki te kura i te ata.
Don't take the children to school in the morning.Kaua e waruwaruhia ngā kāroti.
Don't peel the carrots.