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Ehara i a au tēnei pouaka whakaata.
This television is not mine.Ehara a Hemi nō te rohe o Te Arawa.
Hemi is not from the Te Arawa region.Ehara i a au ngā kī.
The keys are not mine.Ehara tōku hoa nō Ngāti Kahungunu.
My friend is not from Ngāti Kahungunu.Ehara tōku pāpā nō Te Tai Tokerau.
My dad is not from the Northland region.Ehara no Paikea a Pāora.
Pāora is not descended from Paikea.Ehara i a koe tēnei kapu.
This cup does not belong to you.Ehara no Taranaki a Mia.
Mia does not come from Taranaki.Ehara koe nō tēhea rohe?
Which region are you not from?Ehara i a au te whare iti.
The small house is not mine.Ehara tēnei i a au.
That is not mine.Ehara i te marae ēnei tūru.
These chairs do not belong to the marae.Ehara nāku tēnei.
That is not mine.Ehara i ngā tamariki te papa tākaro.
The playground does not belong to the children.Ehara i a Mere tēnei tūru.
This chair does not belong to Mere.Ehara tō māmā nō Amerika?
Is your mother not from America?Ehara au nō konei.
I am not from here.Ehara tōku pāpā nō Ngāti Raukawa.
My father is not from Ngāti Raukawa.Ehara i ngā tauira tēnei paihikara.
This bicycle does not belong to the students.Ehara na tōku hoa Pākehā ēnei tamariki.
These children do not belong to my Pākehā friend.Ehara i a ia te pōtae rā.
The hat is not his.Ehara i ngā kaiako ngā pukapuka.
The books do not belong to the teachers.Ehara ēnei tamariki i tōku hoa.
These are not the children of my friend.Ehara i a au tēnei kāri nama.
This credit card is not mine.Ehara i a au tēnei pukapuka.
This book does not belong to me.Ehara i a au tēnei waka ātea.
This spaceship is not mine.Ehara i ngā tauira ēnei pene.
These pens do not belong to the students.Ehara a Hemi nō Ōtautahi.
Hemi is not from Christchurch.Ehara i a koe tēnei motokā.
This car is not yours.Ehara tōku hoa nō Kirikiriroa.
My friend is not from Hamilton.Ehara i a au tēnei whare.
This house is not mine.Ehara i a au tēnei waka rererangi.
This airplane is not mine.Ehara i a ia tēnei.
This does not belong to him.Ehara i a mātou ngā taputapu.
The tools do not belong to us.Ehara i a Pita tēnei kāmera.
This camera does not belong to Pita.Ehara a Rangi nō Ingarangi.
Rangi is not from England.Ehara tōna whaea nō Waikato.
His/Her mother is not from Waikato.Ehara ōku tūpuna nō Kotirangi, nō Ingarangi hoki.
My ancestors are not from Scotland or England.Ehara i a rāua ngā pukapuka e rua.
The two books do not belong to them.Ehara a Mere nō Ngāti Porou.
Mere is not from Ngāti Porou.Ehara i a au tēnei motokā.
This car is not mine.Ehara i ngā tauira tēnei pepa.
This paper does not belong to the students.Ehara koe nō tēhea iwi?
Which iwi are you not from?Ehara i te whānau tēnei whenua.
This land does not belong to the family.Ehara rāua nō Ngāpuhi.
They are not from Ngāpuhi.Ehara i ngā tamariki tēnei tāwhiri.
This kite does not belong to the children.Ehara i a koe tēnei rorohiko.
This computer does not belong to you.Ehara koe nō Ngāti Toa?
Are you not from Ngāti Toa?Ehara rāua nō Taranaki.
They are not from Taranaki.Ehara i a Hine tēnei whare.
This house does not belong to Hine.Ehara i te whānau tēnei whare.
This house does not belong to the family.Ehara i a koe tēnei kuri.
This dog does not belong to you.Ehara i a au tēnei motopaika.
This motorbike is not mine.Ehara i a Honi tēnei.
This does not belong to Honi.Ehara tōku kuia nō Tūhoe.
My grandmother is not from Tūhoe.Ehara i tō rāua māmā tēnei.
This does not belong to their mother.Ehara i a Mere tēnei rāpeti.
This rabbit does not belong to Mere.Ehara a Rangi nō Tauranga.
Rangi is not from Tauranga.