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Ki te kore e mutu te ua ākuanei, ka hōhā ngā tamariki.
If it doesn't stop raining soon, the children will get bored.Ki te kore a Mere e tae mai āpōpō, ka waea atu ki a Henare.
If Mere doesn't arrive tomorrow I will ring Henare.Ki te kore tātou e maimoa i aua tini a Tāne, mea ake ka ngaro.
If we don't actively look after those children of Tāne, they'll become extinct in no time at all.Ki te kore te rā e whiti āpōpō, kāore tātau e haere.
If the sun does not shine tomorrow, we won't go.Ki te kore te ua e mao, ka mātakitaki kiriata tāua.
If the rain doesn't clear, we will watch movies.Ki te kore koe e whakaae, ka pōuri ahau.
If you don't agree, I will be sad.Ki te kore a Pāora e hoki wawa mai, ka noho mau au.
If Pāora doesn't get back on time, I will stay.