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Inanahi nei he aha te mahi a te ngeru?
What was the cat doing yesterday?He aha te mahi a te kurī inanahi nei?
What is the dog doing now?He aha tō mahi?
What is your job?He aha tā koutou mahi i te kura i tēnei rā?
What did you guys get up to at school today?He aha tāna e mahi ana?
What is it that s/he is working on?He aha te mahi a ngā kuia i te marae?
What is the work of the elderly women at the marae?He aha tā kōrua mahi i Pōneke?
What did you two get up to in Wellington?He aha te mahi a Tainui i te rā nei?
What is Tainui doing today?He aha te mahi a te pēpi i te rā nei?
What is the baby doing today?He aha ngā mahi kua oti i a koe i ēnei wiki e rua?
What have you completed this fortnight?He aha te mahi a Pāpā i te Rātapu?
What does Dad do on Sunday?Kāti, he aha tā kōrua mahi i tēnei rā, e moko?
So, what are you two doing today, my grandchild?He aha ngā mahi ka oti i a koe ā ngā wiki e rua?
What will you do next fortnight?He aha tā rātou mahi āpōpō?
What is their task tomorrow?He aha tō mahi ināianei?
What are you doing now?He aha tā koutou mahi i te marae i te Rāhoroi?
What were you guys doing at the marae on Saturday?He aha tō mahi i Te Wānanga o Raukawa?
What are you going to do at Te Wānanga o Raukawa?E taku tau, he aha nei ngā mahi mā tāua kia haere atu ki tātahi?
My love, what tasks do we have to do so we can go to the beach to holiday?He aha tā koutou mahi inanahi nei?
What did you guys (3+) get up to yesterday?