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Wehe atu ana a Kawa me te amuamu anō.
Kawa left complaining as she went.Toitoi atu ana te hōiho me te pāterotero haere anō.
The horse trotted off farting as it went.Kotahi atu a Rina ki te wharekai me te karanga anō ki ngā mahuhiri.
Rina made a beeline to the kitchen and began to call the visitors.Me mahi tiakareti wera, me te ruirui anō i ngā maihimero ki runga.
Make a hot chocolate and sprinkle marshmallows on top.Me hoko e tātou he koha mā Māmā, me te tākai anō kia ātaahua.
We should buy Mum a present, and wrap it nicely too.E kōrero ana a Māmā ki te waea me te whātuitui kākahu anō.
Māmā is talking on the phone whilst folding the clothes.Me horoi koutou i ngā rīhi me te whakairi anō i ngā kākahu.
You guys should wash the dishes and hang out the clothes too.Wehe atu ana a Hēmi me to amuamu anō.
Hēmi left complaining as he went.I rukua he pāua, me te kohi anō i ētehi mā koutou ko tō whānau.
I went diving for pāua, and got some for your family too.Kei te whakatangi rakuraku ia me te waiata anō i te whare.
He is playing the guitar and singing in the house.E hīkoikoi ana a Koro me te whiowhio anō.
Koro was walking along whistling as he went.Kua hōha noa ia ki ngā harihari kōrero me te amuamu anō a ngā kiritata.
He was annoyed at the gossip and also the complaining from his neighbours.I kohia he pipi māku, me te kohi anō i ētehi mā taku matua.
I gathered some pipi for me, as well as some for my dad.E tunu keke ana a Māmā me te whakapai whare anō.
Mum cooked a cake whilst cleaning the house.