Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 1
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...

I tēnei tau.
This year.

Kei te pēhea koe i tēnei ata paki?
How are you this fine morning?

Ākuanei ka mutu te kura tēnei tau, wai ngā tamariki e tiki ki te kura?
Shortly school will be finished for the year, who will pick the kids up from school?

Ko te Kohitātea tēnei marama.
This month is January.

Ka tunu au i te parāoa ā tēnei .
I'll bake the bread tonight.

He aha tāu i tēnei ata?
What did you do this morning?

Kei te pēhea koe i tēnei ata ātaahua?
How are you this beautiful morning?

Nāku ngā koha i hanga i tēnei Kirihimete.
I made the presents for Christmas this year.

Āe Nan, he tino reka te parakuihi i tēnei ata.
Yes Nan, the breakfast was really delicious this morning.

I kai parakuihi koe i tēnei ata?
Did you eat breakfast this morning.

Te hui a te Whiringa-ā-nuku ko te mea mutunga tēnei tau.
The meeting in October will be the last for the year.

Mōrena e hoa. Kei te pai a Hera i tēnei ata.
Morning friend. Sarah's good this morning.

He aha tētehi pukapuka reo Māori kua pānui koe i tēnei wiki?
What Māori language book have you read this week?

Kia moata te haere ki te moe a tēnei , kia mauria ai kōrua ki te ngahere a te ata.
Go to bed early tonight, so that you can be taken to the forest in the morning.

I aha koe i tēnei ata?
What did you do this morning?

I tēnei wiki.
This week.

He ruarua noa ngā ika i mau i a au i tēnei ata. Heoi anō, he pai ake te iti i te kore.
I only caught a few fish this morning. Still, a few is better than none.

Tēnā tātou kua huihui mai nei i tēnei .
Thanks for coming tonight.

He kēmu netipōro i tēnei mutunga wiki?
A netball game this weekend?

Kei te aha koe ā tēnei ?
What are you doing tonight?

Kia ora. Kei te pēhea a Honi i tēnei ata?
Hi. How is Honi this morning?

Ka tipu te rito o te harakeke i tēnei marama.
The new shoots of flax will sprout this month.

Ka heke te hukapapa i tēnei wiki?
Will it snow this week?