Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 1
Numbering things - e rua, e toru...

E rima ngā pukapuka.
There are five books.

E rua ō waewae. Tahi, rua.
You've got two legs. One, two.

Engari kei te marae ētahi e rua.
But there are two already at the marae.

E whitu ngā waka.
There are seven cars.

E rua paringa o te tai i te .
There are two tides a day.

E toru ngā pene.
There are three pens.

E rua ngā kurī.
There are two dogs.

E rua ngā pune.
There are two spoons.

E toru ngā kurī.
There are three dogs.

E whā ngā pouaka whakaata.
There are four televisions.

E toru ngā kahawai, e rua ngā tāmure.
There are three kahawai and two tāmure (fish).

E rua ngā tepu.
There are two tables.

E rua ō rātou whare.
They have two houses.

Kotahi te pouaka.
There is one box.

E ono ngā rīhi.
There are six plates.

E iwa ngā whare.
There are nine houses.

E waru ngā tūru.
There are eight chairs.