Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
Future locative - hei

Kei is used to indicate both present and future location:

Kei korā ahau.
I am there.
I will be there.

In some situations, where the speaker wishes to convey a strong sense of time, hei is used:

Hei korā ahau.
I will be there in the future.

Hei mua te waka i te whare.
The car will be in front of the house.

Hei te Rātapu hikoi ai au me to kurī.
On Sunday I will walk with my dog.

Hei te taha mauī te tama.
The boy will be on the left-hand side.

Hei tai te waka.
The boat will be by the sea.

Hei korā ngā tūru.
The chairs will be over there.

Hei te papa tuatoru te hui ā te ahiahi nei.
The meeting will be held on the third floor this afternoon.

Hei te taha matau te kōtiro.
The girl will be on the right-hand side.

Hei konā tō waea.
Your phone will be there (by you).

Hei runga te pukapuka i te tēpu.
The book will be on the table.

Hei konei ngā ngeru.
The cats will be here.

Hei tawhiti te whare.
The house will be in the distance.

Hei raro ngā kuri i te tēpu.
The dogs will be under the table.

Hei te kāinga te tamaiti.
The child will be at home.

Hei konei ahau ā te ata.
I will be here in the morning.

Hei Kirikiriroa te hui a Oketopa.
The meeting in October will be at Hamilton.

Hei te marae rātou.
They will be at the marae.

Hei roto au i tōku tari.
I will be in my office.

Hei uta ngā waka.
The boats will be ashore.

Hei mua te kurī i te kuaha.
The dog will be in front of the door.

Hei te Rāmere haere atu ai au ki Otepoti.
I will go to Dunedin on Friday.

Hei waho ngā kai i te pāmu.
The food will be outside the farm.

Hei taha mauī te waka i te whare.
The car will be to the left of the house.

Hei te toa a Hemi.
Hemi will be at the shop.

Hei korā ahau.
I will be there.

Hei raro ngā hū i te tūru.
The shoes will be under the chair.

Hei tātahi ngā tāngata e whakatā ana.
The people will be relaxing at the beach.

Hei te whare kē noa atu au noho mai ai.
I will stay at another house far away from yours.

Hei muri te kaiako i te akomanga.
The teacher will be behind the classroom.

Hei runga te manu i te rākau.
The bird will be on the tree.

Hei āpōpō au tae atu ai.
I will come tomorrow.

Hei konei he kāinga mo mātou.
Here will be a home for us.

Hei roto te pirihimana i te waka.
The policeman will be in the car.

Hei tua te whare i te marae.
The house will be beyond the marae.

Hei reira te pukapuka.
The book will be there.

Hei waenganui ngā tamariki i te papa tākaro.
The children will be in the middle of the playground.

Hei roto te tāne i te whare.
The man will be inside the house.

Hei te taha o te motokā te wahine.
The woman will be by the car.

Hei tāwāhi tō whānau.
Your family will be overseas.

Hei te papa tuatoru te hui ā te ahiahi nei.
The meeting will be held on the third floor this afternoon.

Hei te kura ia.
She will be at school.