Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 3
I like... - He pai ki a au...

Kāo, kāore te rimurimu i te kai pai ki a au.
No, seaweed is not the food that I like.

He aha te tāone pai ki a koe?
What town do you like?

Engari, he pai ki ahau te tae.
But I like the colour.

He pai rawa atu te kaimoana ki a ia.
She really likes seafood. (Seafood is best to her.)

He rimurimu te kai pai ki a koe?
Is seaweed the food that you like?

He miti me te raihi te hapa pai ki a au.
Meet and rice are good to me.

He pai kē te huawhenua ki a au.
I actually like vegetables.

He pai ki a koe tēnei pukapuka?
Do you like this book?

He pai ki a koe te pānui pukapuka?
Do you like to read books?

He pai ki a koe te tākaro i te netipōro?
Do you like to play netball?

He aha te tina pai ki a koe?
What lunch do you like?

He pai ki te kōtiro tērā pōtae.
The girl likes that hat.

He pai te tāwara o te pata heihei ki a au.
I like the flavour of butter chicken.

He pai te aihikirīmi me te pītiti ki a au.
I like ice cream and peaches.

He aha te parakuihi pai ki a koe?
What breakfast do you like?

He pai te tūtaki ki a koe.
Nice to meet you.

He pai ki a ia ngā kai moana.
He likes seafood.

He kai Māori te kai pai ki a Nikau.
Māori food is what Nikau likes.

He aha te hākinakina pai ki a koe?
What sport do you like?

He aha te hapa pai ki a koe?
What dinner is good to you?

Kāore e pai ki ahau te mahita, na te mea, he haunga ia.
I don't like the teacher because he smells.

He pai ki a au tēnei kēmu.
I like this game.

Tēnā, he aha te kai pai ki a koe?
Okay then, what food do you like?

He aha te kai kāore e pai ki a koe?
What food do you dislike?

Kei te pai ngā tio ki a au.
I like oysters.

Ka pai te tūtaki ki a koe.
Nice to meet you.

He mīti me te raihi te hapa pai ki a au.
Meat and rice are the best dinner for me!

He pai ki ahau te mahita, nā te mea, he humarie ia.
I like the teacher, because he's handsome.

He pai ki a koe tēnei kiriata?
Do you like this movie?

He pai ki a koe te rorohiko hou?
Do you like the new computer?

He pai ki a ia te hāte kahurangi me te pōtae.
He likes the blue shirt and the black hat.

He aha te kaimoana pai ki a koe?
What seafood do you like?

Ehara i te mīti kau (te hapa pai ki a au).
It's not meat (the dinner that I like).

He aha ngā hākinakina pai ki a koe?
What sport do you like?

He aha ngā mea pai ki a koe?
What things do you like?

Ko tēhea te tāone pai ki a koe mō te hararei?
Which town do you like for a holiday?

He pai rawa atu taua pōwhiri ki a au.
I really enjoyed that pōwhiri.

He pai ki ahau tēnei kēmu.
I like this game.

He pai ki a koe te netipōro?
Do you like netball?

He aha ngā mea papai ki a koe?
What do you like doing?

He ika me te maramara rīwai te kai pai ki a ia.
He likes fish and chips.

Ko tēhea kaupapa te mea pai rawa ki a koe?
Which subject do you like the most?

Ko hea te wāhi pai rawa o Aotearoa ki a koe?
Where is your favourite place in Aotearoa?

Ko tēhea te kapu pai ki a koe?
Which cup do you like?

He pai ki ngā tamariki te kēmu hou.
The children like the new game.

Ko tēhea te tāone pai ki a koe?
Which town do you like?

Ehara i te miti kau te hapa pai ki a au.
It's not meat that I like for dinner.

Ko ngā mahi pai ki a ia, ko te mahi māra, me te ruku kai moana hoki.
She likes gardening and diving.

He pai ki a Hōne ngā hōiho.
Hōne likes horses.

He pai ki ahau te mea nei.
I like this thing.

He pai ki a rāua ngā pukapuka o te whare.
They (two) like the books in the house.

He pai ki a ia te kōrua.
She likes crayfish.

He pai ki a koe tōku tūru hou?
Do you like my new chair?