Māori Grammar

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Te Reo Māori Level 2
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere mai au runga pahi.
I came by bus.

Kei te haere au runga i te waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.

Me runga tereina ki Te Awamutu.
They are going by train to Te Awamutu.

runga waka rererangi.
By plane.

Ka tae mai a Kauri runga motukā.
Kauri travelled by car.

Ka haere mātou ki te tāone runga tereina.
We went to town by train.

Kei te haere koe runga i te aha?
How are you travelling?

Ka haere mātou runga i te motokā o tōku matua.
We (but not you) will go in my father's car.

I tae mai ia runga hoiho.
He arrived on horse back.

runga aha?
On what (will you travel)?

runga i te pahi.
I came by bus.

Kei te haere au runga waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.

Ka haere au ki te mahi runga pahikara.
I will go to work by bicycle.

Ka haere au runga motokā.
I will travel by car.

runga pahi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by bus.

Ka rongo a Tawa, ka hihiri kia hoe atu ia runga i te waka.
Tawa heard, and wanted to paddle there by canoe.

Ka haere ia runga i te motukā.
She went by the car.

Ka haere runga i te hōiho kerei.
Let's go on the grey horse.

runga waka rererangi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by plane.

runga motokā.
By car.

I haere mai au runga pahi.
I came by bus.

Ka haere māua runga pahi.
We (he/she and I) will travel by bus.

Ko wai ka haere runga hōiho?
Who goes by horse?

Ka haere ia runga i te motukā o Tim.
She went on Tim's car.

runga tereina.
By train.

runga waka tere ahau haere ai.
I travelled by ferry.

I haere koutou runga aha?
How did you come?

Kei te tae mai ia runga i te pahi.
She is arriving by bus.

I haere mai au runga papa wīra.
I came by skateboard.

I haere mai au runga paihikara.
I came by bike.

runga i te tereina o te ono karaka.
On the six o'clock train.

Ka haere ia runga motukā.
She went by car.

runga motokā ahau haere ai.
I travelled by car.

Kei te haere koe runga aha?
How are you travelling?

Ka haere au ki te mahi runga pahikara.
I will go to work by bicycle.

I haere au runga motokā.
I traveled by car.

Ka haere mātou ki te tāone runga tereina te rua haora.
We went to town by train for two hours.

Kei te haere ia runga wakarererangi.
He/she is travelling by plane.

Kei te haere a Mere runga i te pahikara o Makere.
Mere is going on Mikaere's bike.

runga i waka tātou haere ai.
We are travelling by your car.

runga poti ahau haere ai.
I travelled by boat.

runga papa reti.
By skateboard.

Ka haere koe runga i te aha?
How are you going? (travelling).

I tae mai ia runga hoiho.
He arrived on horse back.

Kei te hoki rātou runga i te pahi.
They are returning by bus.

Ka haere ia runga i tana motukā.
She went by her car.

I haere rāua runga pahi.
Those who travelled by bus.

runga kutarere ahau haere ai.
I travelled by scooter.

Ka haere koe ki Tāmaki-makau-rau runga i te tereina?
Are you going to Auckland by train?

I haere mai au runga motokā.
I came by car.

runga pahikara ahau haere ai.
I travelled by bike.

Ka haere koe runga aha?
How will you travel?

Kāore au i te taraiwa, ka haere runga i te waka rererangi.
I'm not driving, I'm going by plane.

Ka tae mai a Mere runga aha?
What did Mere travel on (transport)?

Kei te haere a Ari rāua ko Rangi runga i te motukā.
Ari and Rangi are travelling by car.

I haere mātou ko aku hoa runga i te waka o Betsy ki te takutai, ki Te Māhia.
Me and my friends went on Betsy's car to the beach, to Māhia.