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Me is a mild imperative. It is used to say that someone should do something (such as "you should get up!"). It is not quite a direct command (like "get up!").
Me haere au.
I should go.
Me waiata a Mere.
Mere should sing.Me noho koe ki te tēpu i a koe e kai ana.
You should sit at the table while you are eating.Me hoki tātou ki te kāinga.
We (3+ inclusive) should return (go back) home.Me kai waiū ngā pēpi ka tika.
It's right that babies have breast milk.Me aroha tētahi ki tētahi.
We should love one another.Me haere tāua ki te inu kawhe.
We should go for a coffee.Me whakahokia ngā pukapuka ki te whare pukapuka.
The books should be returned to the library.Me tatari rāua
The two should wait.Me paraihe koe i ō makawe.
You should brush your hair.Me tere a Tipi.
Tipi should be quick.Me ārahi a Rangi i te tira.
Rangi should lead the group.Me whakatika koe i tō rūma.
You'd better tidy up your room.Me whakatika te tēpu.
The table should be set.Me haere koe ki te kaiwhakahaere.
You should go to the co-ordinator.Me mihi ka tika ki a kōrua.
It is entirely appropriate I acknowledge you both.Me haere koe ki te mahi ākuanei.
You'd better go to work soon.Me horoi koe i ō toroiho.
You should wash your underwear.Me aha a Liam rāua ko Kaia?
What should Liam and Kaia do?Me tuku tēnei karere ki tēnā marae, ki tēnā marae o te motu.
This message should be sent to every marae in the country.Me aha ahau ki ngā toenga kai?
What should I do with the leftovers?Me kai hoki koe i ngā waewae kōura.
You should also eat the cray legs.Me kaute tāua ki te tekau.
Let's count to ten.Me pukumahi koe!
You should work hard!Me whakaoti koe i ō mahi.
You should complete your work.Me tuhi kōrero koutou inaianei.
You should write a story now.Me whakareri te whare mō ngā manuhiri.
The house should be prepared for the guests.Me kī te pātaka i ngā kai.
The pantry should be filled with food.Me utu te nama.
The debt should be paid.Me whakarite ngā taputapu.
You should get the equipment ready.Me kimi kaiwhakaako mātau ki te ako, matatau ki te reo Māori.
Find an experienced teacher and knowledgeable friend in te reo.Me haere mai ki taku kāinga ki te kai.
(You) should come to my house to dinner.Me haere au i nāianei.
I'd better go now.Me tapahi e Pāora te wahia.
Pāora had better cut the firewood.Me tiki ia i te tītāora.
He should get the tea towel.Me pānui te kaiako i te reta.
The teacher should read the letter.Me aha ngā tamariki?
What shall the children do?Me horopuehu a Mere i te papa.
Mere should vauum the floor.Me mahi tahi tātou.
Let's all work together.Me kake ki runga
He should climb to the topMe purumu au i te papa.
I'd better sweep the floor.Me mahi tāua, nē?
We should do some work, eh?Me taitai te tama i ōna niho.
The boy should brush his teethMe heru ō makawe.
You should comb your hair.Me haere tātou mā raro.
We should go by foot.Me noho ki muri.
You should sit at the back.Me hoatu ngā kī ki a ia.
The keys should be given to him/her.Me haere tātou.
We ought to go.Me haere tāua ki tātahi.
Lets got to the beach.Me whakapakari ia
He should trainMe haere koe ki te hui.
You should go to the meeting.Me mau ngā tamariki i ngā pōtae.
The children should wear hats.Me whakatā koe.
You need to rest.Me kaukau koe ka tika!
Too right you should bathe!Me tuhi koe i ō hiahia mō te keke.
You should write down what you want for the cake.Me tino haere koe ki te hui.
You really must go to the meeting.Me aha rātou?
What should they do?Me ako ngā tamariki o Aotearoa i te reo Māori ka tika, nē rā?
It's fitting that New Zealand children learn Māori, isn't it?Me kōrero tātou i te reo Māori i te kāinga.
We (3/+inclusive) should speak the Māori language at home.Me kuhu anō tō tarau.
Let's put your pants back on.Me ūkui atu i te tiko.
We'd better wipe the tiko off.Me tunu a pāpā i te kai.
Dad should cook the food.Me nohopuku tāua.
Let's sit in silence.Me pono koe.
You should be honest.Me tunu te kai.
The food should be cooked.Me haere koe ki te toa!
You should go to the shop!Me whakamau tāua i tō tātua.
Let's put your seatbelt on.Me mātua paku kōrero te take, kātahi ka whakatau.
We should first discuss the issue a bit, then decide.Me āta noho koe i runga i tēnā tūru!
You'd better sit carefully on that chair!Me horoi ngā rīhi.
The dishes should be washed.Me haere koe ki te wharepaku.
You'd better go to the toilet.Me noho ngā tamariki ki te whāriki.
The children should sit on the mat.Me hangaia te whare hou.
The new house should be built.Me mihi ka tika ki a koutou.
It is entirely appropriate I acknowledge you people.Me haere tonu tāua ki te tāone.
We should still go to town.Me paraihe koe i ō niho.
You should brush your teeth.Me oma au ia rā, ia rā.
I had better run each and every day.Me kokoti ngā rōhi i a Hōngongoi.
The roses should be pruned in July.Me tango tāua i ō kākahu moe.
Let's take off your pyjamas.Me waihotia ngā taputapu ki te tēpu.
The tools should be left on the table.Me ruirui he paura ki runga i a koe.
Let's sprinkle some powder on you.Me horoi ō ringaringa.
You'd better wash your hands.Me haere koe ki te toa ki te hoko miraka.
You should go the shop and buy milk.Me titiro ki te karoro!
You should look at the seagull!Me tiki ngā tamariki i te kura.
The children should be picked up from school.Me tūpato!
You should be careful!Me ako tētahi wāhi ia rā, ia rā.
You should learn part each day.Me noho koutou ki Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
You (3+ including listener) should stay at the WÄnanga.Me haere au ki taku karaehe.
I'd better go to my class.Me pēnā.
(You should do it) like that.Me waiho a Kōuraraka i te pāreti!
Goldilocks should leave the porridge!Me tunu kai koe!
You should cook!Me whakarite koe i te kai.
You should prepare the food.Me aha a Mere?
What should Mere do?Me horoi au i ngā rīhi.
I should wash the dishes.Me mihi ka tika ki a koe.
It is entirely appropriate I acknowledge you.Me aha tātou?
What should we do?Me tahu te ahi.
We should light the fire.Me noko koe ki konei.
You should sit here.Me āta tiaki ō tamariki.
Take care of your children.Me tino haere ngā tamariki ki te kura.
Children have to go to schol.Me whakarongo!
You should listen!Me haere tāua ki te taone.
We should got to town.Me titiro mai!
You should look here!Me hoki kōrua ki te kāinga.
You both must return home.Me āta pao te māhunga ki te rākau.
Hit the head gently with the stick.Me kai i te rūma kai, kaua e kai i tō rūma moe.
You should eat in the dining room not in your bedroom.Me haere mai koe ki te tina.
You should come for dinner.Me āta whakaaro koe!
You should be careful!Me aha a Kōuraraka ki te pāreti?
What should Goldilocks do with the porridge?Me whakatā koe!
You should rest!Me inu wai tātou i ngā wā katoa.
We should drink water all of the time.Me tiki ngā pukapuka.
The books should be fetched.Me kuhu atu koe ki te tāpu.
Get in the bathtub.Me horoi ngā rīhi.
The dishes should be washed.Me kōreroreo kōrua ko te kaiako.
You and the teacher should have a talk.Me tuhituhi koe i roto i tō rātaka.
You should write in your diary.Me hoki koe ki tōu ake marae ki te ako i te kawa.
You should return to your own marae to learn protocol.Me ako whakataukī kia mōhio ai koe ki ngā whakaaro o ōu tīpuna.
Learn proverbs so you know the thoughts of your ancestors.Me toa!
You should be determined!Me tino mārena e koe taku mokopuna nāu hoki is i hapū au.
You must marry my granddaughter since you got her pregnant.Me haere koe ki te kaukau.
You should go for a swim.Me manawanui!
You should be steadfast!Me whakaronga ngā tamariki ki ngā mātua.
Children should listen to the parents.Me haere mai!
You should come here!Me ohu.
We should work together.Me moe te pēpi.
The baby should sleep.Me āwhina koe i a ia.
You should help her.Me waiata tāua?
Shall we sing a song?Me haere koutou ki te hui kei hinga te take.
You should go to the meeting, or the matter might be defeated.Me noho koe ki raro.
You should sit down.Me tuhi a Aria i ana mahi kāinga.
Aria should write her homework.Me toropuku te haere!
We should go secretly/quietly.Me tāria te waka.
The car should be waited for.Me horoi koe, e te tau!
You should wash, my darling!Me hoatu he kapi ki a Hare.
You should give Hare a copy.Me mōhio koe ki te kawa o tōu marae.
You should know the protocol of your marae.Me haere au ki te whare hokomaha.
I'd better go to the supermarket.Me haere ngā wāhine ki mua.
The women should go to the front.Me karakia tātou.
We should say a karakia.Me kimi hoa ako.
Find a friend to learn with.Me whakatika tātou i te akomanga.
We should tidy the classroom.Me kōmuhu mai koe ki a au.
You should whisper it to me.Me whakakāhore e koe ēnei tū whakaaro.
You should resist these kinds of thoughts.Me pātai ngā tauira i ngā pātai.
The students should ask the questions.Me tino āta haere.
We should go carefully.Me tāpuke te tūpāpaku i roto i te toru rā.
The body must be buried within three days.Me mātakitaki koe i te kēmu.
You should watch the game.Me paraihe ō niho.
You should brush your teeth.Me oma tātou ki te awa.
We (3+ including listener) should run to the river.Me whakamau i tō tarau.
Let's put your trousers on.Me whakatika koe i ō kākahu kura.
You should fix your uniform.Me āta whakarongo koe ki a ia.
You should listen carefully to her.Me haere koutou ko Mia ko Rangi ki te tāone.
You and Mia and Rangi should go to town.